Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Report: Liar, Liar

I currently finished a book called Liar, Liar. There is a boy named Kevin that lies, alot. Even though he tries to make it better for others and himself by lying, like persuading his crush to like him, letting the teachers let him pass tests for no reason, making his friend believe he has a type of disease, it doesn't end well, at all. So he has to apologize like crazy to solve all the conflict. I recommend this book to kids 7+, who sometimes lies, and who loves reading (of course)! I think this book is really funny, hard to put down, addicting, short (perfect for fast readers, perfectly paced, one event after another, and a really, really, fun to read book! That my point of view on this book: Liar, Liar.


  1. Cool book! my saying today after i read your comments is: Do everything ! but don't lie!

  2. Thanks for commenting, guys!

  3. Liar, Liar sounds so interesting! Thanks for the review Xu!
