Sunday, June 5, 2011

Autumn Leaves by Gail Saunders-Smith

I like autumn leaves because it teachs us about leaves. And it shows us the picture of different kinds of leaves and the leaves are different colors and shapes. After reading the book, I wrote my own poem - Autumn Leaves.
Autumn Leaves
Leafs are dancing
Leafs are walking
Leafs are swimming
Leafs are skating
Leafs are running
Leafs are flying
Leafs are drawing
And some leafs are sleeping, sh, sh...


  1. i really enjoy your poem; not only do you give movements, but also emotions to the yellow leaves. they are just like human beings, full of energy and charm. looking forward to reading your next animated poem.

  2. Thanks for your comments. The poem described her life?! Haha!
