Sunday, June 19, 2011

Report: The Tripod series- The White Mountains

     I finished a book called "The White Mountains", it's in the Tripods series. This book's genre is science fiction.

     This series is about a boy named William, and how he saves the world from these aliens called the Masters, and their robot transports, called Tripods. A Tripod is a vehicle for the Masters (not mentioned in the first book) and they have three big long legs, and have like a white UFO on the top of the legs, they also have three really, really long tentacles for grabbing up people and capping them.

     A Tripod is a vehicle for the Masters (not mentioned in the first book) and they have three big long legs, and have like a white UFO on the top of the legs, they also have three really, really long tentacles for grabbing up people and capping them.This book first starts off where William is only thirteen, and his friend is about to get capped in a few months. Capping someone is when the Tripods put a mind-controlling metal helmet-like thing onto your head and it only happens when you are fourteen, when you are a teen. Most of the men and women in Will's village have caps on, getting controlled by the Tripods. One day, Will met a vagrant on the street (a vagrant is when a cap doesn't work on someone, and twists the person's brain, making the person dumb, paranoid, or even drive the person crazy) and later found out that he was an uncapped man, acting like a vagrant, so people won't suspect him, just stay away from him, Will quickly found out because he wasn't capped, yet. After he found out, the fake vagrant had given him a map to a place called The White mountains, where all the people there are uncapped, and rebel against the Tripods. The vagrant (fake) said he was part of this rebellion, and found Will, hoping he would join them to fight the Tripods. Later on that day, his friend was capped. After talking to his friend, Will felt that the cap had changed his friend into almost a lifless robot! Will was determined to fight against the Tripods because of they had done to his friend. After he had packed everything, he was on his way to The White Mountains. When he first went a few kilometres, his former archenemy cousin Henry, was running towards Will, also carrying a bag on his back. Henry said he wanted to come with Will on this journey to The White Mountains. After arguing for pretty long, will finally agreed, because he didn't want to waste time. Then Will finally felt like this was for real, he was leaving his home and family, to fight against the Tripods.

      Will and Henry went to the boat dock and went aboard a ship that was stopping by an island that was about 150 miles away from the mountains. When they reached there, Will found a underground mine that looked like it hasn't been used in a long time. There were these egg-like objects they found that have ring on them, and when you pull it, the egg explodes (gernade)! After they got out, they found men with handguns, pointing them at Will and Henry! The men were sheriffs of this town, and thought Will and Henry were terrorists. The sherriffs pushed Henry and Will into a jailcell. After long hours that seemed like days, Will thought all hope was gone in going to The Mountains, but suddenly, a voice came in the darkness. It said if the person saves Will and Henry, they have to take him along with them on their journey. They made a deal. The mysterious person led them out of the prison and into his house. The person said his name was Beanpole and was waiting a long time to have a oppurtunity like this, to travel to another country, or even place. After they took back their stuff from jail, they set off into the night, another journey has started.

     It was hard trying to survive through the winter when Will's, Henry's, and Beanpole's supplies were running out. All they had left were water, some food, the exploding eggs, and the things the vagrant had given to Will.
Later on that month, they saw a Tripod in the forest, stalking them. After a raging battle, Will, Beanpole, and Henry destroyed the Tripod, using the eggs. When they had finally arrived at The White Mountains, Will and his companions met many people like Fritz, Julius, and many more. Will thought that was finally the end of his jouney. Boy, was he wrong it was only the beginning.

     I liked this book and recommend people to read this because this is a great and hard-to-put-down type of book, where action and suspension events chase each other, almost like heartbeats. This is a summary of this story. That is my report on this book.

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